Thursday, June 15, 2006

Surprised, don’t be

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if the grass was blue and the sky green

The birds could bark and the dogs sing

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if the eyes could smell and the ears glimpse

The months were 60 and the minutes 12

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if the blind meant deaf and the deaf blind

The colour black was visible and white too bright

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if the rains were dry and the winds drenched

The mountains were flat and the planes peaked

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if melody was abuse and abuse a tinkle

The goons were gods and the saint a devil

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if smile were a tear and pain a grin

The far was near and the close distant

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if the toil was sweet and leisure sour

The success was vainly and failure a joy

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if meaning was vacuous and pointless meaty

The journey was remainder and destination the beginning

Do you ever wonder,

Wonder if life were the end and death the beginning

The gloomy was blissful and joy distressing

Did you ever wonder,

Do you wish to wonder....

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