Tired, sleepy, dazed, well, what else by the end of a working day. That too when the timings stretch beyond the normal. So, the next best thing that one can possibly think of doing on his way home, which in itself is a big task, ask people living in metro - is to indolently slip down their cab seat and snooze off.
So, that’s what I’ve been practising for all these years of my journeying.
But recently I noticed a digression, a new trend so to say – maybe a side effect of our metro lifestyle – Junta has lost it. And that too completely. I mean sense refuses to prevail anymore. And there is absolutely no lament, shame or pain associated with this loss. Actually even I find it astoundingly refreshing and revitalizing. Yes, this complete baloney existence of self.
For a change you are not pretending, not proving, not badgering. You are simply revelling.
Thus, what you see on roads is a gala of this newly-found fatuous existence. Mindless drivers on road, mesh of vehicles, pedestrians turning blind to footpaths, animals grazing on roads, herders taking to roads, stand-still traffic signals, ineffectual traffic police …everyone seems to be feting around.
Isn’t this a much-deserved diversion? Who cares if you don’t want to join in. If not today, you’ll be there tomorrow, indisputably.
You write well..keep writing
Wonderful article; Sees life as a journey, as an adventure of discovery;
Keep Walling
Thnx ayan...
tht ws me only..thnx ayan..
Life is sure an rollercoaster ride.. downs and ups but the problem evolved when large amount of ppal got on to it when we vr at the peak... and STUCK.
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