How’s it like to be heading no where
Strolling clueless and reaching somewhere
A place you don’t know
You don’t quite want to know
Look up and look around
Surprised and not so at the same time
Pained and numbed alike
This feeling of no belonging
No direction and no longing
Is not a pain truly
Isn’t all that terrible really
A body let loose
A mind not in use
Yet a feeling not that awful
I don’t mind it
Not at all
At least not as of now
Hope this isn’t insanity
Wish it isn’t a folly
But then again
Does it matter?
To think and deliberate
More when the mind is in vain
Of a thing…of anything
For what I experience I have no complaints
Its not too bad…it’s not too good, too
Can I say for good…I have become comfortably numb?
Disclaimer: The above text should not be used to draw conclusions on the author's personal life ;)